Hell's Basement
The Blog of the 30 something fags
September 4th, 2003

Strange days
I was standing outside the 7-11 the other night and spotted a $20 bill on the ground near my left front tire. When I bent down to snag it,I noticed a few more bills lying on the ground under the van. The grand total was $100.
Knowing I'm too much of a freak to carry that much money around(it burns a hole in my pocket) I was certain it wasn't mine, until now.

The crazy thing is there were people all over the place, but apparently no one looked down long enough to spot it.
My first idea was to take myself on a shopping spree and blow it all on candy, bubble gum and baseball cards. Instead I stuffed it into the wallet and waited it out.
I remarked to my buddy DK the other day that money and kids have both been attracted to me lately, only remarkable in that neither ever was. Now I seem to be a magnet, and just when I was getting used to being ignored.

Here's one of the perks to leaving your 20's- You see money on the ground, and just in time.You also start the habit of being on time for meetings, like I was this afternoon, i left for a meeting in San Pedro 2 hours before I needed to be there. Why? I don't know, I just did. Probably for the same reason I found $100 on the ground, I know his because in some weird way they're connected.
While on the phone, driving south on the 110, I had the air conditioning blasting, and suddenly the dashboard lights lit up like a christmas tree. I slid over to the shoulder and shut her down. "Damnit!" I thought to myself "There goes the transmission- F*ck!".
Opeing the hood showed me my trouble was a shredded belt- probably couldn't handle the compressor anymore. I called AAA (another thing you just decide to do in your 30's).Three different tow trucks showed up before my AAA guy arrived, all ready to take me out of that scary shoulder-of-the-road situation. Two were there at once at one point-yellow lights flaahing, making me look important-ha ha.
Back at the shop, the estimate came to $109.34. Strange in that this is exactly how much cash I have on me today. ($110 total).
And the meeting? it's 4:30 now- I still have a half hour before I will be missed, and they're almost done with the van(I'm writing this from the shop waiting room).
So what's it all mean? Who the hell knows. I probably have some powerful angels watching over me. All I know is that todays catastrophe cost me nothing in time or money. i've been here working since I arrived. I couldn't have gotten as much done if I was home in my own office.Strange yes, but as I have witnessed lately- Money-kids and good luck just seem to follow me around.

Westy Roadtrip 2002

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