Kiting in HEll- blog fusion
I think I’m going to give my kiteboard a break for a while and let it rest. I have done what I came to do this season, which was; learn how to go upwind, learn how to go left, learn how to stay out there longer then 9 minutes, and spend a day on the beach without getting my kite wet.
My first instructor told me that when it comes to kitesurfing “A day you go without injury is a good day” and I think he was right.
As the weather gets cooler, the stingrays come out to the waters edge to get warm, and on Tuesday of this week, I felt something slither past my foot every time I stepped into the water. EVERY TIME I stepped into the water! I shuffled my feet, and I must admit the idea that those nasty little fuckers are in there leaves me a little un-nerved.
After a good run, the wind died before I could get my kite onshore, so I dropped it in the water and walked it in. As soon as my feet were able to touch bottom, guess who they landed on?
Yup, that’s right, My old Buddy Ray.
Ray lashed at me, and missed(praises cheeses) but on his recoil, sliced the tip of my toe open with his razor-sharp barb. YIKES! That Hurt! I’m only grateful he nailed me AFTER I was done with my day. I was ready to go anyway. I got to the showers and my toes was gushing blood all over the place. “Cool!” I thought, normally I would be woozy and on the verge of passing out, but thanks to my new drug Norpace CR, I can totally handle it- I wrapped it up in a paper towel, stowed my gear and kite, and split up the beach looking for a lifeguard.
This photo was taken inside the Lifeguard station where my buddy Mitch(we are now on a first name basis) had the hot water ready for me when I came in whimpering. In 5 minutes I was fine, but this toe slash is a freakin mess.
Yesterday I came off the water to the beach too fast and my foot got caught in my footstrap and “crunch!”, I thought I broke it. I have a nice sized bruise running across the top of my right foot now, but no break.
That’s why I’ve decided to give it all a rest. With a sliced toe on the left foot, and a big bruise on the right, I’m borderline gimpy, and I think I need time to heal, and to think about the next time I go out. I’m going to focus my attention on SAFETY- and NOT getting hurt. My feet are too sore now, and way too important to risk busting up.
Can’t go a Day without Damage
Saturday, September 15, 2007